Even up here, road to the Bass Creek Overlook, dragonflies can be found. Variegated meadowhawk is the most likely species to be found up the mountainside; research has found that they migrate via “hilltops”. So if they are migrating, is the dragonfly season winding down? Cool weather in this part of August may portend an early fall. Here is a photo of one 2 days ago:
Joining the many variegated meadowhawk at this altitude was a band-winged meadowhawk. This dragonfly is also very colorful, note the orangish bands on the wings:
Dragonflies are very interesting creatures to study and find; they are unpredictable frequently. Some live only several days as adults; some species have “flight seasons” that are only brief windows of time (sometimes only a month) in which they are out and about recognizable in the adult form. These challenges do lead one to a path of hard work (researching your objective) and employment of detective skills…ultimately one gets a huge sense of accomplishment at the moment of discovery of a new, colorful or rare species. It is great fun. Drop me a note of your field trip successes for these animals.